Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher
Teen, Realistic
1. Completed

The Book Thief
Markus Zusak
Historical Fiction, Teen
2. Completed

Death of a Salesman
Arthur Miller
Modern Play
3. Completed

The Camel Club
David Baldacci
Adult Fiction, Suspense
4. Completed

Animal Farm
Orson Wells
Classic, Allegory, Literary
5. Completed

King Rat
James Clavell
Historical Fiction, Literary
6. Completed

Orson Wells
Sci-fi, Classic, Literary

The Collectors
David Baldacci
Adult Fiction, Suspense
7. Completed

Stone Cold
David Baldacci
Adult Fiction, Suspense
8. Completed

One for the Money
Janet Evanovich
Realistic, Adult Fiction
9. Completed

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
John Boyne
Historical Fiction, Literary
10. Completed

Two for the Dough
Janet Evanovich
Realistic, Adult Fiction
11. Completed

Three to Get Deadly
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12. Completed

Four to Score
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Realistic, Adult Fiction
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High Five
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Hot Six
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15. Completed

Seven Up
Janet Evanovich
Realistic, Adult Fiction
16. Completed

Hard Eight
Janet Evanovich
Realistic, Adult Fiction
17. Completed

To the Nines
Janet Evanovich
Realistic, Adult Fiction
18. Completed

Ten Big Ones
Janet Evanovich
Realistic, Adult Fiction
19. Completed

The Cellist of Sarajevo
Steven Galloway
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20. Completed

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Memoir, Literary
21. Completed

Divine Justice
David Baldacci
Adult Fiction, Suspense
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Hell's Corner
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23. Completed

The Hunger Games
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25. Completed

Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
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26. Completed

In the Morning
Pasquel Jordan
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27. Completed

In the Morning
Pasquel Jordan
Christian, Inspirational, Realistic
28. Completed (Yes, I read it twice)

Divinity's Tears
M.M. Strauss
29. Completed

Ellen Hopkins
Teen, Realistic
30. Completed

This is a Book by Demetri Martin
Demetri Martin
non-fiction, humour
31. Completed

Scott Westerfeld
Teen, Sci-fi
32. Completed

Scott Westerfeld
Teen, Sci-fi
33. Completed

Scott Westerfeld
Teen, Sci-fi
34. Completed

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ten Big Ones

Dear Reading Community, 

Fear can be paralyzing; I know this from first-hand experience. It is a gut-wrenching, humiliating, demoralizing feeling. It doesn't help to know that fear is a defensive mechanism designed for self-preservation, nor does it help to know that it is an emotion everyone feels from time to time: Fear is an unpleasant, sometimes harmful, sometimes beneficial feeling that is a part of the human experience. Learning to cope with fear, however, while difficult, is possible and beneficial.

In her novel, Ten Big Ones, Janet Evanovich develops a character named Stephanie Plum who teaches us that, while fear may be an emotion that can cripple, it can also be controlled. Throughout the novel, Stephanie's life is in constant danger. At one point in the story, Stephanie was involved in a high-speed car chase, following a dangerous criminal. Sweating from exertion, she comments to the reader that she was afraid: ". . . some of the sweat was from fear. I was on the brink of losing control of the car. And I was worried about Gazarra, all by himself, in front of me" (chapter 2). Despite her fear, Stephanie continued her pursuit of the criminal. Her concern for her friend in the car ahead of her, between her and the the man they were chasing, drove her to push her fear aside and seek to offer her assistance. Moments later, The criminal open fired with an automatic weapon, hitting Gazarra. While others around her dove for cover, Stephanie, paralyzed with fear, froze, stunned, and unable to move. Realizing her friend had been hit, however, forced the fear from Stephanie, and she rushed forward to help. Concern for others can allow a person to control their fear, even fear that cripples one's self when facing personal danger. This is something that Stephanie has learned to do over time.

Ten Big Ones is the tenth novel in a series featuring Stephanie. She was not always so in control of her emotions. The need, and possibility to control fear is further expounded upon by Evanovich, when Stephanie comments that she "didn't want the fear to grab hold of [her]. Careful was good. Scared was counterproductive" (chapter 7). Controlling fear is necessary in order to continue on despite the fear, and to do what needs to be done in the given situation. In this case, the fear she feels is a warning to Stephanie to be careful and take precautions, but she is able to control the fear from becoming a detrimental factor that would prevent her from fulfilling her obligations. In this instance, it wasn't until later on, after completing her task, that Stephanie allowed herself to feel and consider the fear. When she did, though, she approached her fear as a reflection of what had happened and how she responded. Coming face-to-face with the man who wanted to you would be a fear-filled moment for most anyone, but for Stephanie, while being understandably shaky on the inside, being calm and brave outwardly was a matter of importance. When a contract killer named Junkman approached her, she understood that men like this feed off fear; they find a perverse pleasure and power in scaring their victims before murdering them. knowing this, Stephanie is able to control her fear in order to rob Junkman of some of his power, she is able to assess the situation to glean insight into her attacker, and she is able to maintain composure and survive the ordeal. Once again, it should be noted that after she is safely past the initial,incident, Stephanie allows herself to fully feel the fear, breaking into sobs and self-reflection. Coming to terms with the physical threat and accompanying fear forces her to consider other fears she has in life, namely expressing love for a man she has in her life. There is more fear than simply fearing for your physical safety; it is important to recognize the emotional and relational fears we harbour. Though, like the physical fears, there is a time and place to deal with these fears, and a time when they need to be set aside for your overall benefit.

In my own life, I can relate to the ideas presented by Evanovich about fear. There have been times when I have been afraid for my own personal safety and allowed that to control my actions. While I no longer remember, or have blocked out some of the details, I had the opportunity to try to apprehend a man who attempted to steal a woman's minivan, that still had her kids in it. By the time I could have gotten involved, the situation had already rectified itself, but I froze, was paralyzed, when I could have chased after the man and waited for police to arrive. I did nothing, much to my shame, and allowed the man to flee the scene. I had been afraid. Afraid for my own safety, and afraid of not knowing how to respond--physical altercations are not something I am comfortable with. I would like to think that had anyone been in any danger, that I would have been able to control my fear and intervene. I take a small amount of splice in the fact that my involvement would have come after the safety of others was solidified, but, though this was over a decade ago, I ashamed for not controlling my fear better in that moment. I can also relate, unfortunately to overcoming fear in order to deal with an immediate situation, then to become fully emerged in the fear afterward. When the bus accident happened a few months ago, I was one of the first on scene. There was a student who was believed to be seriously injured and I needed to help. This is not a situation I am comfortable with and, after witnessing my own 4-month-old daughter's deceased body and performing mouth-to-mouth on her, I was not emotionally capable of setting aside the fear that I might need to witness the death of another girl--or so I thought. I was afraid, but I was able to control my fear and assist in every way I could. Thankfully, injuries I were relatively minor, but I suffered from the effects of the fear for several days afterward, and still have frequent moments where the fear of what "could happen" floods my emotions.

We are all influenced by fear. There is no escaping it. Evanovich wants us to understand that despite the inevitability of being scared, we can control our fears when the situation requires it. It may not happen the first time or the second time, and we may need to really desire to overcome the fear, but it is possible. Guilt and shame from failing to overcome fear may help us succeed the next time. Knowing the safety of others depends on us may urge us to temporarily set aside our fears. In times of fear, it is important to consider there may be benefits, for ourselves and others, to controlling our fears; however, it will be important to reflect on our fears once the situation is resolved.

***This is an adult fiction, suspense genre novel.  It is not literary, or a classic, or any other text that I would consider writing an essay on for school.  However, it is still possible to identify a significant idea from the text and to develop it in a specific and thoughtful manner.  Try to narrow your topics down some rather than attempting to cover an entire broad topic.  This will help you focus your book journal, and will show thoughtfulness and insightfulness.

***It should also be noted that "Fear" is just one of many significant ideas that I could have chosen to discuss from this novel.  Other topics may have included: gender roles, gang violence, and knowing your own limitations.  I chose "fear" because I knew I had a strong personal connection I could use to further develop the topic.

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